
‘TANARIRI’, The Gujarati Play is based on a semi-historical theme of the Mogul Period, was staged at Ahmedabad, before a full-house.

Its script was written by Dr.(Smt.) Rannade Shah and Shri. Arjav Trivedi and was produced and directed by Shri. Arjav Trivedi.

The performance is an effort of total theatre by incorporating songs and dances too as the basic requirements of the story – play.

The Tana-Riri story has been narrated diversely by different writers, each conflicting with other. However, simply said, it is a story which lets us know as to how two Nagar-Brahmin sisters of Vadnagar, thanks to their father’s support, saved Sangeet Samrat Tansen, King Akbar’s courtier and Raj-Gayak, from a living death thanks to his rendering of the Raag Dipak, by pacifying the burning sensations engulfing his body, with the exquisite rendering of the Raag Megh-Malhar, & how and why they had to meet their doom through self-sacrifice.

The play did receive an encouraging standing ovation as response from the viewers. It is proposed to stage its several shows in Ahmedabad, Rajkot, Junagadh and other cities of Gujarat and cities like Chandigharh, Jaipur of other states too in near future.